History 2000s 25 Year Celebration of the SRS

25 years of synchrotron research at the SRS

Samar Hasnain


To mark 25 years of the SRS, a celebratory science event was organised on 12th September 2005, combining it with the annual UK SR users meeting. The purpose of the occasion was not only to highlight the achievements but also to recognise the collaborative spirit which the SRS helped to engender in the scientific community. In addition to many of the UK pioneers, several major SR facilities (ESRF, SPring-8 and SSRL) were represented by their Directors and others. The growth of SR science around the world is a testimony to the collaborative spirit’s success.

I helped to assemble the scientific programme with a small advisory committee (Sir Tom Blundell FRS, Phil Burke FRS, David Garner FRS, Sir John Pendry, FRS, and Michael Woolfson, FRS).  The programme was organised under 6 themes namely CCP, Theory-SR science interaction, Materials Science, Advances in SR sources, Instrumentation, Structural Biology and a forward looking session (see insert 7). The two day event was held in Manchester with a visit to the laboratory on the evening before. There was a reception for many of the pioneers of synchrotron radiation, who had travelled far and wide at their own expense including the head of the Anglo-Dutch collaboration, Dr Guy Luijkcx and Dr H Weijma. The photograph below shows many of the delegates who attended; further pictures of the celebration itself can be seen here, also details of part of the programme. It was an event of which the UK and the synchrotron world can be rightly proud.

A group photo of many of the eminent scientists associated with the SRS and the SR world.

In the front row Samar Hasnain, Herman Winick, Louise Johnson, John Pendry, Ian Munro, Mike Chesters (Director at the time), Hugh Huxley, Akira Kira, Michael Woolfson, Gerd Materlik, Alan Leadbetter are clearly visible. Pat Ridley, John West, Phil Burke, John Inglesfield, John Evans. Keith Hodgson and Bill Stirling are visible in the third row.